Stehvan Carpenter has spent this year student coaching with the LBCC men's basketball team. "It is a good oppurtunity for anyone that wants to get into coaching at some point.." says Carpenter. "Helping coach practice has opened my eyes to what coaching intails and the responsiblities that it carries" states the student coach. Student coaching is a serious task that requires time and effort in exhchange for experience and connections in the coaching world.
"There are a lot of different tasks and responsibilites that need to be attended to as a student-coach, this could be anything from operating the shot clock, to directing players what to do in practice". It is clear that student coaching presents many tasks and even challenges to the applicant while at the same time being rewarding and beneficial to your resume at the same time.
Our coaches for each program here at LBCC are always willing to talk to someone about student-coaching and helping out the team. If you are interested you can contact Athletic Director, Randy Falk, with any questions or comments.